
28 agosto 2008

Introducing Ubiquity

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

«Today we’re announcing the launch of Ubiquity, a Mozilla Labs experiment into connecting the Web with language in an attempt to find new user interfaces that could make it possible for everyone to do common Web tasks more quickly and easily.»
Mozilla Labs

22 agosto 2008

29% of Internet Users have Purchased from Spam

«29 percent of internet users have purchased goods from spam emails, according to new research by Internet security company Marshal. The most commonly purchased items include sexual enhancement pills, software, adult material and luxury items such as watches, jewellery and clothing.»

Intel e Yahoo desenvolvem internet na televisão

«A Intel e o Yahoo estão prestes a lançar o Widget Channel, um serviço que permitirá juntar o portal da Yahoo e as funcionalidades da internet no televisor. O sistema funcionará através de pequenas aplicações, com o nome de TV Widgets, baseadas na web (...) e a sua arquitectura “mudará, de forma decisiva, a electrónica usada pelos consumidores e pela televisão” (...)o telespectador poderá ver vídeos, comunicar com os amigos e ter acesso às notícias mais recentes.»
Meios & Publicidade

20 agosto 2008

Obama Spent Most of $3 Million This Year on Google

«Barack Obama's campaign spent nearly $3 million on online advertising related purchases between January and April. The biggest recipient of the Democratic Presidential hopeful's online ad dollars was Google. »

Clickz | Obama Spent Most of $3 Million This Year on Google
Clickz | Clinton Spent Far Less Online Than Obama
Clickz | Clinton Needed More Search: Q&A with Google's Greenberger
Clickz | Obama's Web Ads May Have Driven Big North Carolina Win

12 agosto 2008

Photoshop Lightroom 2 lançado pela Adobe

«A Adobe Systems lançou o Photoshop Lightroom 2, programa informático para gerir, adaptar e apresentar grandes volumes de fotografias digitais, com novas funcionalidades desde as versões mais antigas do Photoshop.»
Portal das Artes Gráficas

08 agosto 2008

The Social Metropolis

«Our analogy to the modern metropolis reflects the diverse, fast paced and structurally changing media landscape - where democratisation of communication and loss of control are at the heart of what is happening.»
Go Viral . The Social Metropolis (flash version)

What the f**k is Social Media?

07 agosto 2008

Myspace links voters to debates

«When Barack Obama and John McCain engage in their presidential debates, online viewers will be able to track issues, embed videos, submit questions, offer polling answers -- in short, engage in just about every online innovation offered this election cycle.
MySpace and the Commission on Presidential Debates will announce a partnership today for a series of interactive features for the upcoming forums, to be featured on a new website called Mydebates.org.»

Source Variety
MySpace My Debates

Youtube transmite Jogos Olímpicos em 77 países

«O Comité Olímpico Internacional anunciou ontem que o Youtube fará a transmissão dos Jogos de Pequim em 77 diferentes países, onde nenhum acordo foi celebrado para esse efeito, como na Índia, Coreia do Sul ou o Iraque. O canal será lançado na próxima quarta-feira e tem como principal objectivo o continente africano, asiático e o Médio Oriente.
Timo Lumme, director dos direitos de TV e de marketing do Comité, mostrou a sua satisfação perante a democratização e popularização dos jogos a nível internacional: “A prioridade do Comité Olímpico é fazer com que um número cada vez maior possa viver a magia dos Jogos Olímpicos(…) Pela primeira vez na história dos Jogos, vamos ter uma cobertura mundial.”»

Meios e Publicidade

Estudo: 19% dos utilizadores de Internet preferem Firefox

«O Firefox atingiu em Julho 19,22% da preferência dos utilizadores de Internet, o que representou um aumento de 0,19% no uso de browsers em relação ao mês anterior. Os dados resultam do estudo mensal da Net Applications.
O Mozilla está em segundo lugar, com larga diferença para o primeiro colocado, o Internet Explorer, da Microsoft (73%). O líder cresceu apenas 0,01 ponto neste mês quando comparado a Junho.
O Safari, da Apple, aparece em terceiro lugar e perdeu 6,31% para 6,14%. O navegador Opera, na quarta posição, também caiu de 0,73% para 0,69%. Já o Netscape apresentou um ligeiro aumento - de 0,67% para 0,69%.»

Diário Digital

Social Networking Is Not a Business

«Web 2.0--the dream of the user-built, user-centered, user-run Internet--has delivered on just about every promise except profit. Will its most prominent example, social networking, ever make any money?»
Technology Review (registration needed)

06 agosto 2008

Mozilla Labs Wants to Know Your Browser Fantasies

«Mozilla Labs has announced a new participation project that offers a way for the public to suggest, share and explore concepts, mockups and demos of what a next-generation web browser might look like.»
Source Web Monkey
Mozilla Labs

The internet and the 2008 election

«46% of Americans have used the internet to get political news and share their thoughts about the campaign. Online video and social networking sites have taken off, especially among Obama supporters»
Pew Internet Report (PDF)

02 agosto 2008

Hollywood Has Finally Figured Out How to Make Web Video Pay

«Two years after the success of Lonelygirl15 — the groundbreaking YouTube serial that turned out to be not the DIY diary of a 16-year-old girl but the work of three wannabe auteurs in Beverly Hills — Web video has finally captured Hollywood's imagination.»

01 agosto 2008

NBC Launches On-Demand Olympic Coverage In HD

«NBC has launched its online video hub for the 2008 Olympics, which features free on-demand video for over 20 sports. In order to maximize quality, the videos are available as downloads (you can start watching before the download finishes) and will be in “up to HD” quality.»
Tech Crunch

Portugal buys 500,000 Intel Classmate PCs

«The Portuguese government has announced that it is buying half a million Intel Classmate laptops to give to children starting in school.»

Welcome to the Mojave Experiment"

«Welcome to the 'Mojave Experiment'. What do people think of Windows Vista when they don't know it's Windows Vista?»
Mojave Experiment

Microsoft hits the beach with Water Watch

«Microsoft and the European Environment Agency (EEA) today announced the launch of the Eye on Earth online environmental observatory. The first resource to go live is Water Watch, which allows users to compare the cleanliness of bathing water at sites in 27 European countries.»
Source vnunet
Eye on Earth