
28 fevereiro 2008

Operadores dão velocidades de acesso à Internet muito abaixo das contratadas

«A qualidade do serviço, medida na velocidade, dos fornecedores de acesso à Internet melhorou nos últimos dois anos, mas a velocidade contratada está ainda longe da conseguida, de acordo com o estudo divulgado hoje pela Anacom.»
Jornal de Negócios
Source Paulo Querido

27 fevereiro 2008

A Look at Social Network Popularity Around the Globe

«The map above is a neat find by the Le Monde newspaper in France, originally created by the research firm Datamonitor. What it’s showing is the number of hours (in millions) users spend on social networks across five major worldwide regions, and which site reigns supreme within different countries.»

Source Mashable
Mapa Le Monde

3,9 milhões de utilizadores de Internet

«Os dados do Bareme Internet da Marktest contabilizam, no Continente, 3,9 milhões de utilizadores de internet, um número que cresceu mais de oito vezes na última década.»
Source Marktest

26 fevereiro 2008

Dadus: sensibilizar jovens para as questões de identidade online

«Leva quase um mês de vida o Dadus, projecto da Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados que pretende sensibilizar os alunos das escolas dos 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico para as questões de protecção de dados e da privacidade. Um blogue foi o instrumento escolhido para chegar mais perto do alvo.»
Source Paulo Querido

First Look at Silverlight 2

"Silverlight 2 includes a cross-platform, cross-browser version of the .NET Framework, and enables a rich .NET development platform that runs in the browser. Developers can write Silverlight applications using any .NET language (including VB, C#, JavaScript, IronPython and IronRuby). We will ship Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Studio tool support that enables great developer / designer workflow and integration when building Silverlight applications."

Source: ScottGu's Blog

25 fevereiro 2008

Design Meets Research

«Back in the late 1800s, automobile maker Henry Ford remarked that if you’d questioned consumers about what they hoped for next in transportation, they would have said that what they wanted was a faster and a stronger horse.»
Source Aiga

Pakistan removed from the Internet

«I cannot let the irony pass with out commenting. A religious state, Pakistan, identifies a content provider, YouTube, as the source of blasphemous, seditious content and orders, King Canute style, that the Internet tides be stopped. A zealous ISP ignorantly decides the best way to comply with the decree is to re-route all of YouTube’s IP addresses to whatever site they thought was more appropriate. The first repercussion was that YouTube disappeared from the Internet for almost an hour.»
Richard Stiennon, ZDNet Blogs

Pakistan removed from the Internet
Pakistan declares war on YouTube
Pakistan takes out YouTube

23 fevereiro 2008

Private race to the moon takes off

«Google and X Prize officials have unveiled nine new privately funded teams that will compete for $30 million in the Google Lunar X Prize challenge, a race to the moon.»
Source MSNBC
X Prize

Japón lanza un satélite para suministrar Internet de "super-alta velocidad"

«Japón ha lanzado esta madrugada un satélite para probar una nueva tecnología que promete proporcionar Internet de "super-alta velocidad" a hogares y empresas de todo el mundo. Si se cumplen las previsiones, los usuarios podrán disfrutar de acceso a la red con una velocidad de 1,2 gigabytes por segundo.»
Source El Pais

22 fevereiro 2008

Yo también quiero un debate en internet

«Los medios digitales han pedido oficialmente a los dos principales partidos políticos, PSOE y PP, que sus respectivos cabezas de lista en las elecciones legislativas del 9 de marzo próximo, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y Mariano Rajoy, realicen un debate en internet abierto a todos los medios 'on line', además de los dos debates en televisión ya acordados.»
Por un debate en internet

21 fevereiro 2008

Google to Store Patients' Health Records

«Google Inc. will begin storing the medical records of a few thousand people as it tests a long-awaited health service that's likely to raise more concerns about the volume of sensitive information entrusted to the Internet search leader.»
Source Wired

20 fevereiro 2008

Whistle-blower website vows to stay online

Wikileaks, the website that helps people to expose fraud and corruption in government and big business, has vowed to continue it whistle-blowing efforts despite a US court’s decision to shut down the site. (...) Wikileaks allows whistleblowers to post documents anonymously on its site in the hope of exposing fraud and wrongdoing.

Source Telegraph

Tylenol Ad Campaign Admits Old People Exist

«Can you believe it? It's a shocker. An actual ad with actual old people in it! Complete with wrinkled skin and less than perfect abs. Seriously. We can't get over it. We're still in shock. And here we thought every one in the world was as hot as Obama Girl in a BarelyPolitical video. We are crushed at the thought of this new reality.»
Source Adgabber

18 fevereiro 2008

Welcome to iReport.com from CNN!

«Welcome to a brand new beta site for uncensored, user-powered news. CNN built the tools, you take it from there. All the stories here are user-generated and instant: CNN does not vet or verify their authenticity or accuracy before they post. The ones with the "On CNN" stamp have been vetted and used in CNN news coverage.»

Source Tek Sapo

The Life Cycle of a Blog Post

«You have a blog. You compose a new post. You click Publish and lean back to admire your work. Imperceptibly and all but instantaneously, your post slips into a vast and recursive network of software agents, where it is crawled, indexed, mined, scraped, republished, and propagated throughout the Web.»

Source Wired Magazine

14 fevereiro 2008

Award-Winning Newspaper Designs

«Print and Web are different. (...) However, there are a number of fundamental principles which are often being used in both media. Over the last years newspapers and web-sites started to apply similar principles of data presentation, such as the heavy use of white space and grid-based design. The results can sometimes be very similar, but often they have almost nothing at common.

This issue of monday inspiration series is supposed to provide you with some examples of outstanding newspaper designs which have been rewarded with prestigious awards.

Source: Smashing Magazine

Could social networking sites save the music industry?

«If a songbird sings in the forest and no one is there to hear it, is it really music? Not if you're a teenager.»
Source International Herald Tribune

13 fevereiro 2008

1,8 milhões em sites de turismo

«O estudo Netpanel da Marktest contabiliza 1 883 mil portugueses que visitaram sites de turismo durante o ano de 2007, quando navegaram em suas casas na internet.»
Source Marktest

Facebook brings protest to Colombia

«A young Colombian engineer used the social networking site last week to organize a massive protest against the (...) FARC. On Feb. 4, millions of Colombians marched simultaneously in 27 cities throughout the country and 104 major cities around the world shouting "No more kidnappings! No more lies! No more deaths! No more FARC!"»
Source International Herald Tribune

Melinda Gates goes public

«... about living with Bill, working with Warren Buffett, and giving away their billions.»
Source Fortune

Google's mobile phone software

«Android, Google's mobile phone software, has been previewed at the Mobile World Congress (aka 3GSM) in Barcelona»
Source The Guardian
Mais em Gizmodo

Internet users could be banned over illegal downloads

«Internet service providers (ISPs) will be legally required to take action against users who access pirated material»
Source Times Online

12 fevereiro 2008

Por Darfur

"Desde 2003 que a população de etnia africana de Darfur sofre razias e morticídios que fazem parte de uma estratégia promovida pelo governo de Cartum com o apoio militar de países como a Arábia Saudita e a Líbia, apostados em impor a Charia e arabizar todo o norte do Sudão."

08 fevereiro 2008

Useless Account

Today's web is crazy. Open ID is a pipe dream. Every direction you turn you're forced to create yet another account. Most of the time it's for one of those throw-away web startups created 10 times a day, but occasionaly it's worth the effort. With a useless account you can practice without fear. So when it comes to the crunch, you're ready!
Useless Account

Launching a Startup is Barely Step One

«Our launch of Standout Jobs at DEMO was a big success. We generated plenty of buzz, brought in some great customers and the product held up to the initial onslaught of traffic, users and feedback. And for about 1 day I felt like everything was under control. Oops…»
Instigator Blog

06 fevereiro 2008


«YouBama it is a new Internet destination where you can find different videos from citizens supporting Barack Obama. Viewers can add their own videos and vote on others.»

Source eGov Blog

04 fevereiro 2008

Do You Know Where Your Internet Cables Are?

«India lost half its Internet capacity on Wednesday when two strands of fiber as thick as a thumb snapped. While service is returning to normal, it may be weeks before the cables are repaired. The fact that a pair of central Internet paths are just 2 km apart should serve as a cautionary tale as to just how fragile the Internet can be.»

Source: GigaOm

01 fevereiro 2008

Microsoft Offers $44.6 Billion To Acquire Yahoo

«It’s been rumored for a long time, but now it’s reality.

Microsoft has made an unsolicited $44.6 billion bid for Yahoo. The bid, which would consist of cash and Microsoft stock, values Yahoo shares at $31 a share, a 62% premium on Thursdays closing price.


Update negocios.pt
Yahoo! dispara quase 50% com OPA da Microsoft

Denúncia de crimes já é possível através da Internet

«A partir de hoje, os portugueses já vão poder usufruir de um Sistema de Queixa Electrónica, através do qual poderão denunciar crimes às forças de segurança, a partir de qualquer computador com acesso à Internet.»
Queixas Electrónicas

Source Exame Informática


"The web is constantly evolving. New and innovative websites are being created every day, pushing the boundaries of HTML in every direction. HTML 4 has been around for nearly a decade now, and publishers seeking new techniques to provide enhanced functionality are being held back by the constraints of the language and browsers.

To give authors more flexibility and interoperability, and enable more interactive and exciting websites and applications, HTML 5 introduces and enhances a wide range of features including form controls, APIs, multimedia, structure, and semantics."

Source: A List Apart; w3.org

43 Web Design Mistakes You Should Avoid

"Here is a list of web design mistakes around the Internet, most of them are in the “Most common” or “Top 10” mistakes."
Source: Daily Blog Tips

Install multiple versions of IE on your PC

«Ever wanted to test your website in various versions of Internet Explorer?

It is possible to run Internet Explorer in standalone mode without having to over-write previous versions thanks to Joe Maddalone who came up with a way of achieving that in November 2003.
[run IE3 IE4.01 IE5 IE5.5 and IE6]

Source Tredosoft

Sprout | animações sem Flash

«O Sprout é um serviço on-line que permite aos criadores de páginas web fazerem animações sem terem grandes conhecimentos de programação.

Criar e publicar animações torna-se mais simples com o Sproutbuilder. As páginas de redes sociais e os blogues de utilizadores sem grandes conhecimentos de Flash podem ficar mais ricos com estas animações.

O ambiente de trabalho no Sproutbuilder é semelhante ao de qualquer editor de imagem e as ferramentas de animação são simples de utilizar.

As animações podem ser partilhadas e editadas on-line, noticia a PC Pro. As alterações reflectem-se nas cópias, uma vez que o original fica alojado no servidor do Sproutbuilder.

Nesta altura, o serviço está em versão beta, estando prevista a chegada ao grande público para o final de Fevereiro.
» Sproutbuilder

Source Portal das Artes Graficas