
31 março 2008

WordPress 2.5

«WordPress 2.5, the culmination of six months of work by the WordPress community, people just like you. The improvements in 2.5 are numerous, and almost entirely a result of your feedback: multi-file uploading, one-click plugin upgrades, built-in galleries, customizable dashboard, salted passwords and cookie encryption, media library, a WYSIWYG that doesn’t mess with your code, concurrent post editing protection, full-screen writing, and search that covers posts and pages.»

Source WordPress Blog

Internet and video game safety: Ten practical tips to help protect your children

(...) «here we offer our top ten practical tips for keeping your children safe online, while playing video games, and even while using their mobile phones.»
Source Telegraph

«Dr Tanya Byron warns digital-age children should be left to take risks»
Source Times

EU paves way for rival to Google

«The European Union's competition watchdog has appoved the use of €99m (£76m) of French state aid for a consortium attempting to build an internet search engine to take on Google.

The Quaero project is a coalition of 23 companies led by French technology giant Thomson.»

Source Telegraph

26 março 2008

Become the hottest, coolest most famous bimbo ever!

«Miss Bimbo is an online game that gives girls the chance to be the ‘coolest, richest and most famous Bimbo in the world'»
Miss Bimbo

«... includes sending their online selves to a plastic surgery clinic for breast implants and feeding them diet pills – all in an attempt to get a billionaire sugar daddy. The game already has 200,000 players in the UK, and 1.2 million in France – all of whom are girls between 9 and 16. Their parents are obviously upset.»
The Telegraph

Source Bennetton Talk

18 março 2008

Imprensa tem futuro assegurado na Internet, se quiser

«Com a circulação de jornais a cair, a tendência de leitores aumenta, isto porque os jornais começam a mudar de plataforma e a instalarem-se definitivamente na Internet. Quem o vem confirmar é um relatório norte-americano da Pew Research divulgado ontem.»

Source Daniel Marques
Pew Research | State of the News Media 2008

Firefox 3 Trounces IE, Opera and Safari in Memory Tests

«Since it entered the beta testing phase late last year, Firefox 3 has seen a steady reduction in the amount of memory the browser consumes on the desktop. Now only weeks from a final release, Mozilla's Firefox 3 has been shown to use significantly less memory than Internet Explorer 7 or Opera — long the browser to beat when it comes to memory use.»

17 março 2008

Radical Idea For News Sites: Show What’s New On Your Homepage

What’s the most obvious sign that a traditional news brand is merely reproducing online what they do in print, instead of publishing in a way that makes sense for the web? They way news is organized on the homepage.
Publishing 2.0

13 março 2008

Mas afinal o que é o Twitter?

Source Paulo Querido

Divórcio na Hora [update]

«O Divórcio na Hora consiste num requerimento electrónico de divórcio que permita a dois cidadãos regularmente casados pela lei portuguesa requerer a qualquer conservatória de registo civil o seu divórcio por mútuo consentimento(...)»
Divórcio na Hora

[UPDATE 20080318] Porque vale a pena ler: Jornalismo viral — ou as diferenças entre um divórcio, um requerimento e um despacho (2), por Paulo Querido

12 março 2008

Box Office Receipts 1986 - 2007

«Summer blockbusters and holiday hits make up the bulk of box office revenue each year, while contenders for the top Oscar awards tend to attract smaller audiences that build over time. Here's a look at how movies have fared at the box office, after adjusting for inflation.»
NY Times

USB Rechargeable Batteries

This NiMH AA cell can be used in normal battery applications and can be recharged simply by plugging into a USB port.
USB Cell

Beyond DOCTYPE: Web Standards, Forward Compatibility, and IE8

«When a new version of that browser comes along and fixes bugs or misinterpretations of the spec (or introduces new ones) or in any way changes behavior, sites break and our clients, bosses, and users get very unhappy.

We could spend hours explaining why our sites broke, but wouldn’t it be better if they didn’t break in the first place?

A List Apart

10 março 2008

Os Dias do Presidente

No dia em que se «assinala o segundo aniversário da posse do Professor Doutor Aníbal Cavaco Silva como Presidente da República, levamos ao conhecimento dos internautas “Os Dias do Presidente”, através de uma apresentação multimédia.»
Os Dias do Presidente

09 março 2008

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1

«Internet Explorer 8 is designed to work in standard mode out of this box. However, Microsoft provides a way for users to browse the web in a way similar to Internet Explorer 7 by using the emulate Internet Explorer 7 button on the chrome.»
Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer

SXSW Web Awards Finalists

«We are pleased to reveal the 11th Annual Web Awards Finalists below -- all sites that have launched or been completely redesigned in 2007.»
South by SouthWest (SXSW)

07 março 2008

Strong passwords: How to create and use them

«A blank password (no password at all) on your account is more secure than a weak password such as "1234".»
Source Microsoft via LifeHacker

05 março 2008

Google Takes 66% of US Searches

«Google accounted for 66.44 percent of all US searches in the four weeks ended February 23 (...). Yahoo Search and MSN Search, second and third, received 20.59 percent and 6.95 percent of US searches, respectively, in February.»
Source MarketingVOX

Elecciones Generales '08

Entrevistas electorales en TVE.
Ahora tú preguntas a los candidatos.

The road to e-democracy

«GOVERNMENTS have more or less caught up with what in geek-speak is called “web 1.0”, with the online world largely mimicking the offline world. (...) But all this has been overtaken by “web 2.0”»...
Source The Economist

04 março 2008

Silverlight Goes Mobile With Nokia

«Nokia has signed up to use Microsoft’s Silverlight platform for its S60 and S40 mobile devices as well as its Nokia Internet tablets, marking the first mobile win for the Redmond giant’s rich media development framework.»
Source GigaOm

03 março 2008

Blu-ray derrota o HD DVD

"...A Toshiba reconhece assim sua derrota para o padrão rival Blu-ray, da Sony, pondo fim à chamada guerra dos DVDs, a disputa entre os dois grupos e seus parceiros - indústria eletrônica e estúdios de cinema - para estabelecer um novo formato de vídeo digital.

O fim do HD DVD começou a ser escrito na última sexta-feira, quando a rede Wal-Mart, a maior dos Estados Unidos, anunciou que deixaria de vender discos e aparelhos neste formato em junho próximo, substituindo-os pelo Blu-ray. - Se o maior participante do mercado de DVD diz que o HD DVD acabou, então pode se tomar isso como um facto - disse Rob Enderle, analista da indústria de tecnologia, referindo-se ao facto de que a rede, sozinha, vende 20% dos DVDs nos EUA ..."

Source: Portal das Artes Gráficas

Microsoft prepara invasão na Web

"Com ou sem Yahoo!, a Microsoft está decidida a destronar o Google da liderança dos motores de busca. A promessa foi feita, ontem, por Bill Gates.

O fundador da Microsoft, anunciou que a “gigante” de Seattle vai investir intensivamente na Internet, nomeadamente, no desenvolvimento de tecnologias de pesquisa.

«Podemos suportar os grandes investimentos em engenharia e marketing que têm de ser feitos. Vamos fazê-lo com ou sem o Yahoo!. Mas também acho que podemos ser mais rápidos se o grande trabalho de engenharia e os grandes técnicos do Yahoo! participarem neste esforço comum», explicou Bill Gates, citado pela Reuters."

Source: Portal das Artes Gráficas


Three art students from Austria have pushed the envelope a bit further, hacking into their iPhones — a big no-no, from Apple’s perspective — and loading them with music-playing software, which they have used to record songs. The videos they put on YouTube last month of what they call the first iBand have been drawing heavy traffic from technophiles and curiosity-seekers.

Source: The NewYork Times

Link: iBand